We take customer complaints seriously

If you see content on a this website that you believe violates the law or your rights, let us know. We’ll review the material and consider blocking, limiting, or removing access to it.

Process for Review and Appeals based on complaints:

We strive to provide a transparent and fair experience for all our subscribers. In the event that a decision is made regarding a review or investigation, we have established a clear process for review and an appeals procedure to ensure that any concerns or disputes are addressed promptly and fairly.

If a review or investigation is initiated, the following process will be followed:

Review Initiation: Our team will conduct a thorough review or investigation based on the specific circumstances involved. This may include gathering relevant information, consulting with appropriate parties, and assessing any evidence provided.

Review Decision: Once the review is completed, a decision will be made based on the available information and in accordance with our policies and guidelines. This decision will be communicated to the affected party in a timely manner.

Notification: The affected party will be notified of the review decision, which will include a clear explanation of the findings and the rationale behind the decision. Any actions resulting from the review decision will also be communicated.

Appeals Process:

We understand that there may be instances where the affected party disagrees with the review decision. In such cases, we have established an appeals process to provide an opportunity for reconsideration. The appeals process is as follows:

Appeal Submission: The affected party may submit an appeal by contacting our designated appeals department within a specified timeframe from the date of the review decision. The appeal should include a detailed explanation of the grounds for disagreement and any additional evidence or relevant information.

Appeals Review: Our appeals department, comprised of impartial individuals not involved in the initial review, will thoroughly examine the appeal, including reviewing the original decision and any new evidence presented.

Appeals Decision: Following the appeals review, a final decision will be made, taking into account all the information available. This decision will be communicated to the affected party in writing, along with a clear explanation of the outcome and the reasons behind it.

Potential Outcomes of Investigations/Reviews:

The potential outcomes of investigations or reviews may vary depending on the nature and severity of the situation. These outcomes can include, but are not limited to:

No Action Required: If the review determines that no violation or issue has occurred, no further action will be taken, and the affected party will be notified accordingly.

Corrective Measures: In cases where a violation or issue is identified, appropriate corrective measures may be implemented. These measures could include warnings, account suspensions, or account terminations, depending on the severity and recurrence of the violation.

Reimbursement or Refund: In situations where an error or mistake on our part is identified, we may offer reimbursement or refund as deemed appropriate.

All complaints will be reviews within 7 business days. Please email us at [email protected].